Monday, May 9, 2011

New Day...Better Day

Never thought I'd say that spending 2 hours with both my sister & my mom & then another 2 hours of my day off with just my mom would be the highlight of my 3 day weekend. Went to breakfast & then some retail therapy with my mommy. Dropped her off & watched the rest of Celebrity Apprentice - WOOP! WOOP! Star - YOUR FIRED! Then I decided I needed shoes so I went back out.  As I'm driving, the phone rings & it's my mother-in-law. Dum-dee-dum-dum-dum. This is a translation of our conversation:

Me: Hello
MIL: You left me waiting for you yesterday.
Me: I didn't feel like spending my Mother's Day uncomfortable.
MIL: I think I'm going to have to spank you.
Me: OK.
MIL: I really think I'm going to have to spank you.
Me: OK, I may like that.
MIL: I can't talk to you.
Me: OK.
MIL: I really can't talk to you.
Me: OK, I may like that.

I have, once again, been deemed the 'bitch.'  OK, I may like that!

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