Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vacation & Then Let's Get Physical...

First of all I've been away on vacation! Went to Universal Studios in Orlando, FL for a few days & it was AMAZE-BALLS! So much fun & my son actually said as we were eating dinner one night...

"I must admit, I'm having a great time, thank you for this."

Woop! Woop! Totally amazing parental unit moment!!!

Anyhoo, we're back & I've decided to start working out.  I began today doing some 30 Day exercise video & it totally kicked my ass.  Today's workout was sculpt.  On Tuesday & I have to do cardio & on Thursday I have to do a sculpt/cardio workout.  This torture goes on 3 days per week for 4 weeks & I'm supposed to be super skinny at the end! LOL!!!

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