Monday, August 20, 2012

Providence Review...

Title: Providence (Book 1 in a Series of 3)
Author: Jamie McGuire
Genre: YA
This is the story of Nina & Jared. Nina is a college student whose life takes a dramatic turn the night of her beloved father's death when she randomly meets a mysterious stranger at the bus stop. Is this meeting really random?  The stranger suddenly keeps popping up in Nina's life and most definitely in her thoughts. She quickly falls in love with Jared even after he reveals the truth about his identity. She also finds out that her beloved dad's 'business' life was based on stolen items from demons & her life is in danger because she unwittingly holds the answers to the whereabouts of the items. Jared & Nina's story is one of true love - dividing heaven & hell - for the outcome that Jared had only barely dared dream of all his life.

Totally Liked This Book - 3 Stars

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