Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hey, Hey, Hey!

It's been a minute. Been busy with taking my son to the oral surgeon...
Where we sent the 3 wisdom teeth packing...
And he's looked like one of these since then...
It was very quiet in our house for 6 days! But alas, it is over - HE'S BACK!

Best part was I video taped him as he was coming out of anesthesia...
"Why did I do so bad on my report card?"
"You did good sweetie - you got Principal's list."
"No, I did really bad & now I won't get a free ride to Princeton. Is this Inception? Are you real? I'm dead! I'm dead! Why did I screw up & die?"

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I don't want any appetizers!!!!!

This makes complete sense to me. Suffice it to say - I'm REALLY pissed off!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NKOTBSB Fenway...Baby!

So I went to see my boys this past weekend in their hometown - Boston! At first we thought our seats were not the best -- but DAMMIT WE WERE THERE!  When it started to pour and we were under the awning that's when our seats were not so bad. The show was incredible!

Things I didn't like:
Mayor got the 'NKOTBSB' name wrong
Mayor should NOT have declared it NKOTBSB day - it should have just been NKOTB day
Mark Wahlberg should have a better disposition - always looks pissed off
BSB should have taken a 'back seat' to NKOTB for this concert
My friends need to 'hang' a little more & have a shot or two
Nick Carter is corny & tries way too hard
Joe Mac needs to relax a little on Please Don't Go Girl (I'm not going anywhere so chill!)

But all in all, the weekend was so good & I really needed it. Over too soon.

BTW I get to see my boys again in July - HIP, HOP, HOORAY! (If you were there you'd know)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hello Dahling!

Sorry...again. I've been out of the loop because my mom ended up in the hospital...again! Now we know that she had e-coli and now it's caused a huge problem.  She now has an arterial perforation in which no  (or very little) blood was flowing to her organs and caused 1/2 of her spleen to die.  A human can live without a spleen.  The doctors now have her on blood thinners since the perforation is in the interior of the artery and not on the top or bottom of the artery which would then require a more simple procedure. With the blood thinners for up to 3 months, they hope to give the artery a chance to heal itself otherwise it's a huge operation where it is similar to open heart surgery.

On top of getting the call from my mom at work saying "I need 911!" I got woken up at 3 in the morning from my son telling me "I think my wisdom tooth is coming in, but daddy gave my Tylenol." OK? So why couldn't we wait to have this conversation in the morning if he already helped you out?  Took him to the dentist where they informed me that my 15 year old has 3 wisdom teeth that need to be removed. But of course!

Mom's still in the hospital, son is going to an oral surgeon and me? Well, I'm less then 48 hours away from...
and, I'm going to the Prom! HA!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Been a Minute...

I know I haven't posted in a while but I've been a little busy with work & my mom situation.  Thank goodness she's back home but needs to go to the hospital every day for 14 continuous days to have IV infused antibiotics because the bacteria in her blood & intestines is immune to oral antibiotics. When she gets sick, she GETS SICK - no joke!

We are now only 9 days away from...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!!!!